Tecno-gaz SterilAir | prezentácia
Interior Air is 10 times more polluted than Air outside. Bacteria, Viruses, Smokes, Dusts, Smells, Allergens, Pollens, Acarians , Organic Volatile Composed, … all poison us/you. • It ruins individuals comfort (Sick Building Syndrome • It is responsible for 3 to 7% of the chest infections and diseases and 3 to 15% of new asthma cases (OMS report) • It is one of the sources of cancers • It is one vector of airborne transmission for some viruses (H5N1 for example) You spend 80% of our time in a closed environment. You sometime feel nauseous for no reason, you sometime have a headache. This is because the air of the interior is contaminated.
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